Thursday, September 15, 2011

To blog or not to blog, that is the question.

After trying to get used to this whole blogging thing, I am wondering if it is really worth it.  I mean the time and energy it takes, even every so often seems quite wasted if no one reads or looks at it, right?  Isn't the whole point of blogging for people to read it?  Since I am not interested in making an income or advertising my little place here I will just suffice it to be my online outlet to get things out of my head and in writing.  If people happen to read it, so be it.  If not, oh well.  At least I have a creative outlet for my mind.  If you like my blog, let me know.  If not, let me know how I can improve it.  I am only a novice after all.  Thank you to my sister-in-law, K, for helping me set it up and get started.  You are amazing and I do not know how you do all that you do.  I love you more than you know.   Ciao for now!  I WILL be back!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Autumn.  My favorite time of year, heralded by a crispness in the air, cooler temperatures, changing leaves, candy corn and, of course, the anticipation of Halloween, or as my Auntie Karen says, my"high holy days".  There really is no other time of year that makes me feel the way I do at this very moment, almost giddy with child-like excitement and wonder.  The place where I grew up was, in alot of ways, like the town of "Perfect" in the Walgreens ads that were out  a couple of years ago.  Fall meant thinking of and making the perfect costume and going to the annual Halloween carnival to play games, participate in the cake-walk and enter the costume contest.  My dear, late brother used to design and make me the best costumes!  They were so good, in fact, that I won "Best Costume" for my class every year but one!  Trick-or-treating was safe and always with good friends in the the little village that was near our school.  Sadly, the village no longer exists, but the memories will always remain.  I can still feel the brezze on my skin and see the leaves dancing as we went form house to house. Oh, how I miss those days!  To have them again would be great, but now as an adult I have found ways to instill that spirit into the season by decorating the house and having a big bash for all of our friends.  This year may be just a small gathering with our intimate friends and children, with all the goodies and trimmings I can manage, but Halloween will be celebrated in some way.  Off I go to enjoy the scents and sights that are already here and, maybe even break out the decorations!

I think it is the dogs' favorite time of year, too!

Gomez always goes for a traditional Jack-o-lantern and I try to be a bit different.

15 Years and Counting

This last week saw the arrival of our 15th anniversary and it was cause for some reflection and reconnection.  Time really does fly when you are having, er, fun!  Most of  the time we manage to squeeze in some fun!  Life really is easier and more fulfilling when you have your best-friend/soul-mate at your side.  I don't know what I did to deserve Gomez, but I am glad I did it!  What an amazing, kind, generous, sweet, loving, loveable, intelligent, corny, strong, wise, self-sacrificing soul he is!  My in-laws are amazing, too!  Always ready to help and love each other, no matter what.  I am so blessed to have them in my life.  (If any of you read this, I mean it!  That means you, too, Clan F!) 
It is disconcerting, however, when people you have not thought of in years no longer have a name that flashes right into your head and you have to search for it.  We are both searching for a couple of them a few days later, but they will eventually come back at 3 AM with the frustration of not being able to sleep. 
We reminisced about meeting each other and those who filled our lives then, as well as our sweet little girlillas who left us way to soon.  RIP Liffy and Nellie!  We love and miss you!  It is astounding that life changes so much and so drastically!  This has been a great exercise is perspective and really has made me thankful for the people who are now in our lives, whether it be everyday or less often.  Eash one of you means so much and I hope you know it.
Here is to the last 15 years and, hopefully to at least, 50 more!

When Gomez goes away, Morticia plays! (With Artisan Bread!)

My sweet man was called away on business and while he was away I dabbled in the kitchen arts, yet again.  I love the ladies in my fiber arts group!  So many ideas flying around, but this one I caught and have managed to try!  Artisan Bread sounds scary, but it isn't.  One of our group members brought a great book for another member to peruse and after I looked at it, I went online, found the dough recipe and instructions and whipped up a batch of dough.  The first baking attempt taught me that baking stones, sadly, do not last forever.  Mine was 10 years old and had enough "season", i.e., old oil and butter in it to smoke up the house.  FUN! NOT!  My second attempt was with an overturned cookie sheet with parchment paper and the results were incredible!  Crusty on the outside and chewy, soft goodness on the inside!  Yum! 

Subsequent attempts have been even better and the lucky few that have received a round all said it was really good and I think one even said it was "amazing"!  If anyone is interested in trying it, let me know and I will get you the link to the recipe.  It is super easy!
Thanks to my great friend, Miss K., for the unselfish gift of a Pampered Chef baking stone to help my efforts.  It works perfectly!